
Pantry-Talk APRON Giveaway!

Let's have some fun - 4RE friends!

Back by popular demand is another Hip Hostess Apron Giveaway!

This last March I had almost 300 friends vying for one of these gorgeous aprons.

This particular giveaway we're going to talk about our pantries! When our pantries are full, we feel secure.  We know what we'll be eating the next day!

But back to The Hip Hostess.  This mother-daughter team sells gorgeous aprons that are so well-made, and perfect for gift-giving. My newest apron (don't you love the avocado green?) came packaged so beautifully, I had to take pictures for you to see how it arrived in the mail.

Tasteful presentation


Comfy & fitting

I love wearing it, even in the garden (picking sweet basil!)

Answer one of these questions for a simple chance to win!

Is your pantry a cupboard or do you have a walk-in pantry?

Describe how you feel when your PANTRY is stocked. 

Do you feel differently when your pantry is low? 

Or, is your pantry organized?  

I'd say I feel ELATED. I LOVE a full pantry - I love having it stocked where my kids can find food to feed their friends, or where I can see what I have to whip up a quick meal.

But my pantry doesn't seem to stay organized.  So in my new kitchen, I'm going to work on this!

Your comment puts you in the drawing, and if you tweet about it, or you post about it (I DO give you permission to use my top photo), your name goes in TWICE.  Let me know either way.

I'll be announcing the winner this Friday!

Best of luck to all of you! If you have a minute, check out The Hip Hostess blog!  Or head on over and check out the beautiful assortment and styles.

(Very top photo: Me and Haggis.  I love our doggie.  Haggis is such a part of our family! And he loves to chase our kids around in our backyard.)


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Anonymous said...

First one! Yeah! I love these aprons! Crossing my fingers...

slip4 said...

I am love with these aprons. When my pantry is full, I feel safe and ready for anything. I also feel more generous, if that makes sense, and feel like giving some of it to our church food pantry. I wouldn't say that my pantry is organized, though. But I generally know where to find things so I guess it works for me.

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

CUTE apron! I love aprons.
I also love a full pantry. A full pantry is a happy pantry. I love it when it's organized and I can go directly to what I need. I don't let anyone else put things away in the pantry as I have specific places for EVERYTHING! LOL. It's Momma's space! LOL

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...


I looooove aprons! Yours are so pretty!

Okay...now for the pantry. I love seeing a full pantry. It certainly gives me a feeling of security. Even better if my shelves are stocked with goodies I canned. I'm hoping my tomatoes start producing soon as I'm dangerously low on canned tomatoes and out of tomato sauce. I hate buying those at the store!

I have a problem though....I keep buying more instead of using what I already have. At least I'll have food for several weeks (maybe months?) should the need arise!

Ann and Billy said...

I love a full and organized pantry but mine does not always stay organized. I usually keep it full couponing.

Suzann said...

I adore these aprons. I really want to start wearing one - something very comforting about them.
As for the pantry...
I feel best when it is full and organized. I've had difficulty with these two things at this house. The pantry is too deep and things tend to get lost in there. I'm trying to work on that though.

Anonymous said...

I love having a full pantry. I feel like I'm safe and prepared. When it's a little low it is better organized but I think I like the feeling of having more. Also when it's full I pull stuff out for the local food bank so al full pantry makes other people happy at my house. :)

LOVE the aprons. I don't own an apron :(

Trish @TheOldPostRoad said...

Love a full pantry and would love an apron!!!!


Chele said...

I always wanted an apron!:) It is just nice to have a full pantry so I don't have to go to the grocery store!! When it is not full, I have to the grocery store... one of the biggest things I don't like to do!! LOL. Thanks for the giveaway! I love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I would just LOVE to win a beautiful apron. I wear aprons all the time.

And I love my pantry. It is a lifesaver in my house. I have very few cabinets and my pantry houses all my pots and pans, food, appliances, hurricane supplies, canned goods, etc.

I like a full pantry. Last weekend I looked in my pantry and determined I had what I needed to make a dinner for a family with a new baby. No planning ahead! That made me feel helpful.

Katy @ Eat Drink & Decorate said...

What adorable aprons!!!

We live in an older house so we don't have an actual pantry. Boy would I love one though! We have a cabinet that seems to be over flowing with items and just too tight to keep really organized. Saying all this makes me want to find a solution though... Thanks for bringing this to my attention.... The gears are moving in my brain...

Runner Mom said...

My pantry is so unorganized it isn't funny! It drives my Hubby crazy! With all that I do, it's just not at the top of my priority list! Sorry! I'd rather be running or shopping or having lunch with a girlfriend or playing with my boys or on a date with Hubby! See...that's a lot more fun than cleaning to me!!!

These aprons are beautiful! Thanks for the give away!Pleas enter me!


mrsgarageflower said...

I love aprons! These aprons are darling! Our food stocks have changed in light of our little one w/food allergies. So no processed foods. Instead of a well stocked pantry (like I used to) I now have a well stocked fridge full of fresh whole foods. In a way it's funny b/c my fridge is too small now and I have waaaayyyy too many cupboards! LOL

Annie said...

When my pantry is full, I'm hungry!
When my pantry is empty, I'm hungry! ha!
Seriously, I love a good pantry and I am currently in the middle of a kitchen remodel that will give my 1927 home a walk in pantry! I can not wait!!! The aprons are just divine!

Debra from Bungalow said...

The aprons are beautiful, I'd love a green one like yours!

My pantry is a small closet, so it doesn't stay organized very long, but I do manage to keep like things together.

For extra shelving in the pantry closet, I use a wire cart with four baskets, bottom, deepest basket is used for baking pans, next basket is for baking supplies, next one is for tea and coffee, the top is for snacks.

It works for me, and I feel great when it's stocked and neat.

mrsgarageflower said...

Oh and I tweeted!


Rindy R said...

I do love a stocked pantry - but I must say - I feel more guilt eating out - when I know I have lots at home! It is never really organized - but when it is - such a great feeling!

Life Happens said...

What cute aprons!

I feel happy when my pantry is full, HOWEVER, it's not very organized, so then I forget what I even have in it!!

Once in a while, my hubby and I will organize it together. Nice quality time.

Brittany said...

I have to have one!


Farmgirl Cyn said...

Since there is no $$$ for eating out, a full pantry is necessary! Can't run to Mickey D's for burgers, so I must be fairly organized in the food department! A menu, based on what is in the pantry plus a few odds and ends from the grocers, and we're good to go!

Debra from Bungalow said...

I tweeted, http://twitter.com/debraKPA/status/2777092551

Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

A full stocked pantry used to make me feel safe; I was 20 min outside of town w/ only 1 car in the family (& of course, hubby at work some days). But NOW, a full stocked pantry makes me feel like I should pass on some of the bounty. There's only my daughter & I at home and she for just 1 more year. So, I wonder: "Will it spoil? What will I use that can/box/bag for? Do I really need 5 cans of chick peas?" So, these days, I'm happy with just one can of tomato paste or sauce. My pantry is still well stocked -- but I can no longer feed the local militia!

Nicole said...

Yes I love a full pantry! I don't think any pantry could be big enough as well :) I have two growing boys so my pantry can empty out quick but I love to keep it full! My goal is to always have it full and have great things cooked so all of our childrens friends will naturally want to congregate at our house :)

Stephanie said...

I would say yes, my pantry is organized, even though it's really not a pantry ... it's a tiny coat closet that my husband rigged some shelves in for a make-do! Someday I will have nice walk-in pantry and will be able to keep a little bit more on hand. :)

Stephanie said...

I tweeted the apron giveaway!

Marianna said...

A full pantry eases my mind. It makes it easy to change dinner plans on the spur of the moment- and also means I don't have to go grocery shopping if something better comes along! Organized, hmmm-starts that way and then needs some tweaking every now and then. Just like everything!

Catherine said...

I try to stockpile items that are on sale each week so my "pantry" stays pretty full. Unfortunately I'm in a smallish apartment and my "pantry" is a couple of large diaper boxes under our bed. But it's easy to keep it organized and to know just what I have before I go to the store. Thanks for having the giveaway!


B'ahm Nancy said...

I love aprons. I love a full,
organized pantry, but it's hard
to keep it that way. It takes

Belinda said...

Wow what a nice thing to do. Enter me please.

Erin said...

Would love a new apron!

My pantry is a cupboard and the top shelf of our coat closet - drives me crazy!

I love having it stocked but that means very full and that means disorganized :) I'm working on it!

Erin said...

Just tweeted about the giveaway!

Jenni said...

My pantry is fairly well organized, but I seem to forget about things that are in there.....I think I need to post a list on the outside to make sure I keep up with what I have.....would love to win a new apron!

Jenni said...

just tweeted, too.....jennipearl

Amanda said...

I love a full pantry! In our house now, we only have 2 cabinets for our "pantry". With so little room, it is hard to keep it fully stocked. We will start building our new house in the coming months...one with a nice, BIG walk-in pantry. Ahh, can't wait!

Sarah said...

My pantry is one big cupboard & I love it being organized!! I got so frustrated with extra boxes & bags being opened so I got a long basket to throw all the opened snacks into. Now all we have to do is pull out the basket to see what's open.

Jaymie Marie said...

I love having my pantry full when I can look and come up with something on a whim. Makes me feel like a chief...even though I am not close. But I would feel even more like a chief with one of those BEAUTIFUL aprons!!

Sallie said...

My pantry is a deep closet, but good sized anyway.
Yes, I love a full pantry, but it messes up the organization some.
Looks better when it's not so full! Ha!

Nancy @ Live love laugh said...

I have a broom size cupboard with 4 pull out drawers. I LOVE when my pantry is stocked and you don't have to scrounge for dinner ideas based on what is left! I am always reorganizing it and my family calls it the "panrty mystery" when I have been at it again!
I would love a gorgeous apron to hang on a little hook inide the door! Thanks!

Candice said...

have a pantry that's a cabinet built-in with pull-out drawers. I love a full pantry; I feel PREPARED and like I'm taking care of my family.

Lana said...

The apron is so pretty!

My pantry is two-door, floor-to-ceiling with fixed shelf at cabinet-height and as deep as my refrigerator. The upper part has narrow shelves built around the sides and back. Although I wouldn't call it a walk-in, I do have a picture of me standing in the upper part for some unknown reason!

It stays fairly well organized with just my husband & me here most of the time. I keep it stocked with basics since I always want to have what I need to feed whoever shows up at a moment's notice -- like my son-in-law and grandbaby!

orneryswife said...

I don't keep much in my pantry because we eat mostly fresh foods. However, the things in my pantry are very organized--which is easy when there is so little there! I like to keep things in clear glass containers--jars with rubber rings on the lids-- so I can see what is in them and how much I have on hand. I also have two plastic lazy-susans to organize the few canned goods and my baking supplies like flavorings, baking soda, baking powder, and corn starch.

karibowers said...

I love a full and organized pantry. The aprons are gorgeous - what a fun giveaway!

Pauliwog said...

These aprons are sooo cute!!!

I have a jelly cabinet that I use as a pantry...I love the way it looks. It is probably one of my favorite pieces of furniture...I just cannot seem to keep it organized though! It is a jumbled mess of mixes, cans, seasoning packets, and bottles...I often have to dig through it to find the things that I need. It is something that I desperately need to work on! :)

Traci@ Beneath My Heart said...

My pantry is usually disorganized and empty. With four boys, I can hardly keep it full! I do feel better when it is stocked, but that is not often.
Hope I win!

Anonymous said...

Love me some aprons!!

I don't have a real pantry, just cabinets. When they are stocked up, they feel cluttered but when there's not much in them, they feel rather bare, as well! I tend to shop by the week and keep a few meal staples on hand. That way, I know I have what I need for my weekly menu, for snacking and for last minute needs.


Anonymous said...

I tweeted it, too!



Musical Mommy said...

I would LOVE to win an apron...I've never had one and have always wanted one!! These are SUPER CUTE!!!

I have a closet pantry that my hubby bought me and I found the perfect corner for in our dining room. I have to keep it very organized b/c the fact that it is NOT a pantry doesn't allow me to see everything at a glance like usual pantries. I have all things canned on one shelf, Pastas are always together, seasonings and packets are kept in a basket on one of the shelves.


mom2riandkayl said...

I have a cupboard and a closet that I use for pantry space.

Haggis is a cutie. Is he a Cairn?

Kathryn said...

These aprons are absolutely adorable!!!!

I love when my pantry is stocked...same reasons as you. Knowing that my family is well taken care of.

But it is extremely disorganized. It's a tiny cupboard. I would love to know of a way to organize it that made sense and could fit everything.

Sheri said...

My "pantry" is a couple of cupboards in my kitchen, which are always overflowing after a good shop. I would love to have a house with a walk-in pantry or a pantry closet. I don't like using the top of my refrigerator for food storage!

Shawna said...

I have a full bank of "upper cabinets" located on the lower portion of a wall in my kitchen that is my pantry.

I love to have it stocked with amazing deals, healthy snacks and an easy answer to "what should I make for dinner tonight?"

It's for the most part organized but when it get's low it looks messier and that tends to frustrate me ;)

Amy said...

My pantry is organized chaos. I know exactly where every items is located, but there is no method to my madness in organization. I do love a full pantry. It makes me feel like cooking and entertaining. I am happy to see my 12 year old son and his friends rummage and get creative with the items they find in there. It's all very rewarding!

Oh- and I love these aprons! Adorable.

Brittany said...

I have a double door (but not really walk in) pantry which is 100% stocked. I also have a storage room to store my bulk basics. Full pantry generally means full tummies - I love my pantry (and my kitchen, for that matter). Thanks for the apron giveaway!

jancd said...

Oh, these aprons are so cute.

I am so happy when my pantry is organized (by my husband) and full. He has an way of straightening up my pantry to make it just right.

Jackie said...

The apron is so cute and would be so much fun to wear. I work at an elementary school and need to help the children at lunch...they would love that apron! I feel very thankful when I have a full pantry and I recognize that there are others who have great need so I try to be mindful and contribute to food drives. It makes me feel organized to have food to plan meals with and happy to be able to provide.

Pinky said...

My pantry is full, full, full!!!! I actually have 2 pantries: one is like they are both closets, one is a walk in BUT even with that it is NOT enough for my addiction to DISHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Plus I ahve some Christmas stuff stored in one so ......NO, I NEED MORE PANTRY SPACE:):):) Pinky

Manda said...

our pantry is a cupboard :( and often overflowing..... but i try to stay away from canned goods so i don't have a large canned section, its more jarred stuff than anything and super organized, unless my husband cooks a meal and can't find something.... :) lol.... these ARE gorgeous!!!!!!!1

Kathy C. said...

Those aprons are soooo pretty and I love the very chic packaging. :)
My pantry is organized to the hilt. If you asked me from another room where something was, I could direct you without evening walking into the kitchen, lol. It helps me to know what I need when grocery shopping and when I am wondering what to make for dinner, or when I'm making a meal it makes it quick and easy to gather ingredients.

Emily said...

We have cupboard pantries and like you, i feel so good when they are full! however, when they are not so full, i am pushed to be creative and figure out ways to stretch what we have ... not as comfortable but humbling and a great reminder of how blessed we are to have all that we have.

Lisa in Hallsville, said...

My pantry is not full right now, as we are trying to eat everything up that we have - just to be better stewards. I have the habit of not using "what we have" and that is costly and wasteful. It feels good to use it all up - and I look forward to "starting over"!
I ALWAYS wear an apron and would love a pretty new one - not frumpy, that's for sure!

aggiemomof2 said...

I'm stuck with a tiny cabinet for a pantry. Kitchen remodel is on our list--it's just a very long list. One day I hope to have a walk-in pantry, but for now I just try to keep my little cabinet very well stocked!
sylviarj at yahoo dot com

The Cutting Edge of Ordinary said...

I have a huge cupboard pantry. It's usually stocked full and when it's not, I have to admit, I do get a little nervous. My husband always says if we have a hurricane (I'm in New England) we would be ok for weeks!

La Tea Dah said...

I love this question! And I love your aprons!!! Pantries --- I have a new kitchen and am still adjusting to it's characteristics. It is well organized and everything has it's place. But, I tend to like to stock up on things and then shop for groceries less (once or twice a month). I have a large, walk-in pantry in the garage. It has floor to ceiling shelves and three freezers. I keep food, canned goods, dried legumes, and extras in this pantry. And it is the place that I store extra kitchen gadgets (like griddles, waffle irons, soymilk makers, wheat grinders, etc.). A pantry is an important part of a cook's kitchen!

I tweeted about your give-away (copy here):

Latest tweet: Sandy at 4 Reluctant Entertainers is giving away a beautiful apron! Check it out! http://tiny.cc/E0kTd less than 5 seconds ago

And now I am off to blog it at Gracious Hospitality.

Enjoy an awesome day!

Anonymous said...

I have a tall deep cabinet meant to be a pantry of sorts but could never find anything in it. Now that I've moved eveything over to an antique cabinet in my breakfast nook I love a full "pantry". It's only about 3 cans deep so I can see everything with much less frustration. I found rhat with less items available, we use what we have and fewer things expire.

My dream walk in pantry would have tons of shallow shelves with just a few deeper ones for equipment, platters, paper towels etc. It would also have several hooks for gorgeous aprons!


Megan A. said...

I hate the way the pantry looks when it is packed, but I love putting off a trip to the grocery store because I can whip up a few meals and desserts without running out for a can of this or a pinch of that.

The Boys and Me said...

Cute aprons! I love an organized pantry! I recently re-organized it and made labels where everything goes. When it is full I like to stand back and just look at it with a sense of comfort and peace. (My husband likes it stocked as well.) :)

Julia said...

Ooooh I do love the green one!!! I'm sooooo tweeting about this, and blogging!!!

I have pantries spread all over my kitchen (sort-of). One is a closet with drawers that pull out where I keep breads, chips, zip locks and gladware. Then I have a lazy susan where I keep all my "baking" items and spices. Then I have ANOTHER one which is a rack on the inside of a closet door where I keep all my canned goods...the closet is used for paper products and dog food. WHEW, I'm running all over the place!!!

Julia said...

Just blogged about this fun giveaway here:


Julia said...

Just Tweeted about it also...


Hope I win!!!

Carolyn said...

Oh, I've been wantiing one of these aprons for a while! My pantry is just a large cupboard--but it's bigger than the "pantry" I had just a few months ago, so I'm happy. And I'm trying to keep it organized!

Melissa @ Half Dozen Mama said...

We added our pantry after we moved into our home. It's a nice big walk-in pantry with 2 big sets of metric shelving and a full size upright freezer and a side-by-side fridge/freezer. We have six children and having this much space allows us to stock up when things are on sale. We also got a whole steer for the one freezer this last year and that was a big blessing. Always meat in the freezer! I also did a big bulk cooking day with a friend and that was great to have wonderful meals at the ready. We have to reorganize the pantry shelves about twice a year, just to be sure things stay 'findable.' But I love peeking in and feeling like I'm in a grocery store.

Brandi said...

So cute. I love aprons. My pantry is a cupboard style not a walk-in but I love it. Our old house did not have one so now I don't know how I lived without one. When our pantry is stocked I feel relived. and when it is low I feel stressed. I try to keep it organized but sometimes I fail.

Jennifer said...

Gorgeous apron! My sister is in love with damask prints, so I may have to be generous and pass it on to her if I win...or maybe we can share it...:)

I do like having a stocked pantry. For me, it feels like I'm doing my part to keep the household running. And strangely enough, my pantry stays quite organized. I'm one of those weird people that isn't bothered by a bit of dust or carpet that is overdue for vacuuming, but everything in my pantry has a home and, for the most part, stays there. Now if only my guests could see how clean and organized things are behind closed doors... Anyways, I don't have a huge pantry - just a large section of cabinets. But what makes it so efficient are drawers instead of shelves. Brilliant design! I can get to the back of my cabinet easily and I have easy access to jars of baking mixes and spices since I can look at them from above. Love it!

Melissa @ Half Dozen Mama said...


Just blogged about this great giveaway! Hoping I win that gorgeous apron!!!!

Camille and Luke said...

How cute! I'd love one! I love aprons!


APRIL said...

Our pantry is a closet in the kitchen. Had to add metal cart for more storage. When my pantry is full I feel relief that we have food for the week. I love finding "treats" that I had forgotten that I purchased.

La Tea Dah said...

...and blogged. . .at Gracious Hospitality.

Enjoy a lovely day!

Robin said...

I love having my step in pantry full. I am working the kinks out on which items to stock up on and which ones stay too long without being used. I can never keep enough of the baking staples on hand. My most used items are the refried beans (taco Fridays!) and chicken stock (I use it for white rice). I would love to see some ideas for storage containers for flour/sugar etc. Thanks for your great ideas. Cute apron!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the aprons, but what is more important is what just happened to my pantry. I moved into our new home 2 years ago after living in my other home for 25 years. I had a garage sale and sold all my "old stuff" but never thought as my food being old. Now two years later I am enjoying my pantry (which is well stocked and overflowing). My oldest daughter came for a visit and began to notice alot of food items that were out of date. She went through my pantry and threw out ALL of the expired stuff (5 garbage bags). Now my pantry is organized with all in date products but I will have to go grocery shopping to replace. She also went through my spice drawer and refrigerator so I am well within my expired date of everything. What a sweet daughter.

I have a pantry but it is not a walk in, but is floor to ceiling which is nice.

Carol said...

I forgot to attach my namme My post is the one that says anonyomous about all the expired items.

Southern Savvy said...

I have a pantry but it's not a walk-in. One day I want a gorgeous walk-in butler's pantry. But, until then mine works just fine. It's usually full and somewhat disorganized (b/c it's narrow and deep - not user friendly). I like a full pantry b/c that means I can cook for several days and not have to make another trip to the grocery store!

Jo said...

Love the aprons. I like when everything in the pantry is organized and full. Mine is a corner ont he way to the basement so it does get cluttered easily...Jo

Amber said...

I feel safe and strong when my pantry is full. No matter what the day throws at me I can handle it, knowing there is a baggie of yogurt covered almonds waiting for me.

GrammaMack said...

My pantry is a closet, and it is fairly organized...most of the time. I like it when we run out of frequently used items like ketchup or cereal and, voila, there's a new one just waiting to take its place! If the contest is open to Canadians, I'd love an apron.

Inksstillwet said...

Our pantry is a cupboard, but I’d love a walk-in! When the pantry is low, I don’t feel like we have as many choices as we do when it’s full. And I like choices!!

Lisa said...

My pantry is unfortunately just a few cupards that are TOTALLY unorganized at the moment. I am hosting a party tonight and have zero business checking out my fav blogs but had to stop by when I saw the apron giveaway. Love them!!

Anonymous said...

Oh how cute! I would LOVE a full walk-in pantry...for now I have cupboards.

Tuscan Lady said...

I keep two pantries. One pantry is a closet pantry, and I keep our everyday supplies there. I am blessed with a second smaller closet pantry in my kitchen. In that pantry I keep emergency supplies. Both are organized, but my challenge is remembering to rotate supplies from the emergency pantry to the everyday before expiration dates rear their ugly heads.

Bonnie said...

I adore the aprons. To answer your question - I always feel a bit more secure when my pantry is full. I went for a few years when dinner consisted of whatever the cook at the daycare could sneak to me as leftovers from their lunch. I worked there so often dinner was the same as lunch. I was a single mom feeding a two year old on $3.10 an hour. I became a bit paranoid about food. My pantry, however, is also perpetually disorganized. Another throwback to those tough times - if it's messy, it looks like you have more. We have two pantries - both closets - one in the house & one in the garage. The garage one I can keep neater, it is only cans after all but inside... I keep praying for the magical organizing system but it hasn't materialized yet. Anyhow...I just realized how long my comment will be. I'll shut up now. :)

Maren said...

I just organized my pantry and love it. Knowing where every thing is...what a concept! Thanks for the chance to win!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Oh, my pantry is always stocked, but it gets disorganized which leaves me flustered. Wearing this apron would make it ALL better.

Ginny said...

my pantry is small and is just like a closet that you cannot walk in. It has about 4 shelves and some room on the floor. It is never organized, and I love when it is full.
I love the aprons. I do not own a single pretty one. I would love to win one.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhh I love to wear aprons!! I always keep one handy in the kitchen. I also throw one in my basket when we are going to a pot luck or picnic.
Having a stocked pantry is necessary when you live out in the country. I always try to keep certain staples. I need to improve on the way it is organized. Ug! That sounds like a job for the Fall.
Thanks for a chance on the apron

MaryAZ said...

We are renting our house for a couple months until we can find a house to buy, so, my pantry is very disorganized. Half the stuff is still in boxes. I can't wait to find a house! I feel like I never know what to cook for dinner because I don't know what I have! I love a full-organized pantry...it is so much easier to prepare a meal!

Beth said...

That green apron is too cute! Thanks for the chance to win. I like when my pantry is organized and full. But I do not like it full of food we don't really eat. Why do I sometimes shop like that?

Anonymous said...

I am the biggest fan of Hip Hostess Aprons. LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I bought one for every woman in my family this past holiday.

When my pantry is full, I am happy because I don't have to go to the store. But, I also have a little bit of trepidation because I have so MANY ideas that run through my mind as what I should make!

When there is less in my pantry, I don't have as many hard decisions, lol. But, that also means that I have to go to the store, lol.

Rebecca said...

I only have a small cupboard pantry, the upper shelves of which (dry goods) get disorganized quickly . . . but I pay special, loving attention to the lower shelf of spices. I guess that reflects on the way I cook. I love my spices and herbs! And know exactly where they are on the shelf for quick access.

MJ @ 517 Creations said...

LOVE the apron! My pantry is not a walk-in pantry (we've had those in our last 2 homes and loved them), but it's a good size!

Thanks for the giveaway!


Laurel said...

I have an amazing pull out cupboard pantry(for my little cottage) and I feel like I have conquered the world when I have it stocked and organized. I love that feeling. Standing in front of it and bursting with pride. It lasts about a day then the hubs puts stuff away, but not really away, if you know what I mean. Fingers crossed for the apron giveaway. I adore them!

mary beth said...

Love love love the aprons! Such beautiful fabrics!
My pantry is two shelves while we are in rental limbo, and when it is full I can't find/or get to anything. It does give comfort though, knowing it is so full of possibilities. When it is low, I am low. That's just an opportunity to get creative though, right?

Katherine said...

I hope I win one :)
My pantry is a closet in the kitchen of an older house - when it's stocked, I know that I could survive for a month without going to the store! In fact, I'd like to try doing that one of these days ...

Jody from Toronto said...

I have cupboards as my pantry...have dreamed of having a walk-in pantry! I feel very organized and on top of things when I know that I have enough food for at least a few healthy meals in my pantry. I like to menu plan, so not just any food in the cupboard makes me happy and organized; but having all of the ingredients to be able to throw together a nutritious meal, now that's what I'm talking about!

Wanda Faye said...

My pantry is not full and it is not very well organized. I am impressed with people who have a well-stocked pantry. Kroger's is very close to my house and I seem to make many trips there for that one ingredient that isn't in my pantry. Will I ever learn???

Nancy said...

My pantry is only a cupboard...well, a couple of cupboards actually. I have an extra one in the laundry room for extras. But it works for us.


Kristen Brown said...

My pantry is a stocked walk in one and I love it! I have food in there, arts and crafts, and paper goods. I just went to the grocery today and stocked up on all that was low. I so love my pantry being organized, everything has a home and I use many baskets, and plastic shelf containers for the crafts. It is one of my favorite "rooms" in the house. And the kids love it too because if they ever need to check out a glow-in-the-dark something it's the first place they go!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Cute apron!

I'm always writing about the importance of keeping a deep pantry on my blog.

What I notice the most when my pantry is low on items is I can't be as "last minute" in my cooking and baking when creativity hits.

When it is full, I have most of what I need for many recipes (especially baking).

Kristina said...

I love the aprons, so cute! My pantry is a not a walk in. It's rather small. It's the one thing I didn't like about the house when we moved in. Having my pantry full is so much better than empaty. It makes me feel like I have more choices.

NicNacManiac said...

That Haggis is sure a cutie!!
I've just recently became a fan of Aprons and at the moment do not have any!! I am starting to craft, so I guess I am on the road to collecting them. The green has the prettiest scalloped bottom, I love how they are full with the bib. I will check out their blog shortly.
My pantry is always changing as we entertain alot on an impromptu basis and it is wonderful to always keep items that can be used to whip up an appetizer or a full meal, just add the protein. My son constantly has friends over and they are 13/14 year old boys, so boy can they eat. I feel like a better mom and provider if they can just all come up and look and see something that they like.
Great post, thanks so much for the generous giveaway opportunity!
Enjoy the rest of your day!!
Hugs xOxO, Nerina :)

Natalie said...

My pantry is a cupboard that is relatively organized, but always has room for improvement!
Love the aprons BTW.

Jeff Ruley said...

I'm on a tighter weekly grocery budget lately so I love when my pantry's full, because it means I bought it all on sale and have plenty of food without spending a lot! And thankfully it stays pretty organized as long as my husband doesn't put the groceries away.

shruley said...

I love a full pantry, because things to store I only buy if they are really on sale. So if the pantry is full, that means I've got a lot of food without spending a lot of money. And it even stays organized as long as my husband is not the one putting the groceries away.

Kimberly said...

My pantry consists of two small upper cabinets, so it is an absolute necessity that it is always organized. A full pantry, by my standards, is usually an empty pantry by the standards of someone with a walk-in, but it is still comforting to me!

lunalissa at aol said...

i heart the cherry apron!

i have split my pantry between the kitchen cupboards and a bookcase in the garage i use for canned/boxed goods.

i stock up when things are on sale and also buy dups of ingredients for our favorite meals. that way, i have stuff on hand for quick meals, like when we have unexpected guests.

i try to keep a pound or so of ground beef thawed, just use it up every 3 or 4 days so it doesn't go bad. i also keep a bag of IQF chicken breasts in the freezer because they can be used without thawing. between the ground beef and the chicken, i am ready for every occasion.

i always keep a box of brownie mix hidden so i can make a quick after-dinner treat! it can cook while we eat!

wonderful giveaway, great hostess!

Laura said...

Well how exciting is this! What a beautiful apron and packaging is super important..wish more companies realized this.

I have a pantry cupboard and it is organized with the help of baskets and containers of course :)

Donnetta said...

My pantry is shelving in the basement. Due to the way I shop, my pantry is almost always stocked.

I do keep my pantry fairly organized. It is so much easier to see at a glance what I have and what I need.

The apron is beautiful. I think I'll take a few minutes to head over and browse their site. Window shopping of sorts... :-)

Thanks for such a great giveaway opportunity!

klbean said...

I feel secure when my pantry is stocked, but also feel the need to purge the pantry of items that have been sitting there for too long.

LeslieA said...

As I type, my pantry is near empty. Such a helpless feeling, not knowing what is for dinner and just praying I can scrape one more dinner together so I don't have to drag two tired children to the store. A full pantry, well, is empowering. Anything goes, dinner is easy, lunches a breeze, no worries. With a full pantry, even a surprise guest or the need to help someone out with a meal is just simple. I certainly am not looking forward to my trip to the grocery, but I will be sooo happy when my pantry is contentedly full.

The Amusing Redhead said...

I have a crush on these aprons.

I do not have a pantry per se. I put a shelf in my hallway closet but that now holds games, my grain mill, ribbon. I need to organize my cabinets and lazy susan. I like when they are full but not overflowing and messy. I haven't reached that goal yet.

Gina said...

Beautiful aprons! I do love a full pantry-it makes me feel prepared (I always have something on hand for spur of the moment guests) and it makes me feel so grateful for God's provision!

When it's empty I'm forced to be creative....

of course I love it organized but I live with three kiddos-who are always digging for something!


I do NOT have a pantry. I do have a lazy susan type corner cupboard, that never stays organized, and that our toddler is always into. he carried a can of soup all around the house just yesterday!

Mia said...

We have a cottage cupboard for a pantry!


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

My pantry is organized and usually includes all of the items I frequently use. I keep a shopping list and whenever an item is getting low I purchase a new one. I try not to overstock though as I want to be sure to not allow items to sit unused.

Great apron giveaway and I am placing it on my sidebar :)

Craft Tea Lady said...

I have both a walk-in pantry and a smaller kitchen sized one. I love having the pantry FULL and being able to 'shop' from there.

Thanks for the chance.


Live.Love.Eat said...

Hey there! I know it's been so long but I wanted to come by and catch up. Love the photo of you and your doggie. And the one of you in your apron. Your lipstick matches!!!

I am in need of an apron so I am going to go check out that site. Hope all is well!!!!!!!!!!

Katie said...

I am super giddy when my pantry is stocked!! I get so excited about it that a few months ago...I even sat down and inventoried it. HAHA! But seriously...I feel blessed that I have a stocked pantry. I've heard stories of mommas who weren't able to feed there babies at one rough time or another, and I can't imagine that. So...I feel blessed when my pantry is stocked...that's my answer!

jenivana said...

My pantry is fairly stocked, but I do need to do a big shopping (especially of the things we use often!) We have a huge, walk-in pantry, but so few kitchen cabinets. I started to label the pantry but stopped, I have to get back to that soon! It is pretty well-organized, but it could use a few hours of moving things around and cleaning, reorganizing and labeling!

Love the aprons!

The Nester said...

I LOVE a full pantry. Nothing says security to my fleshy self quite like plenty of food!

Amber said...

My kitchen is very tiny and I have no pantry, other than my cupboards. I love having a full pantry; it inspires me to cook! I love to organize it so that all the labels are in the same direction, but it often is NOT organized being a working mom.

MH in OH said...

A pantry full of staples is a good thing, but a pantry full of easy snacks or treats never lasts long -- it seems like when it's stocked with those things, my family (me included!) has less self-control and eats more or faster. No walk-in pantry here -- I'd love one!
orangetriangle2 AT yahoo DOT com

Rhonda said...

I LOVE an organized pantry! Where you know exactly what you have! I just cleaned mine out! I am adding more baskets, chalkboard ruler tags, and more to organize it further!

So excited! Thanks for the chance on winning one of the beautiful aprons!

Courtney said...

V. cute apron. thanks for the giveaway

Shell in your Pocket said...

I am thrilled when my pantry is stocked b/c that means I don't have to go the grocery store...yahoo!!

It makes my kids happy too {and my husband}~
sandy toe

n. said...

We just moved and my pantry space has been downsized. I find that I'm calmer when I have a good 'stock' but I too am working on organization.

Angela said...

I have a walk in pantry, and it's usually not very organized. I like to keep in stocked because it's kind of like an emergency fund. I also like to keep it full because the kids seem to take it over with art supplies and toys if shelves are empty.

Sarah said...

Hi there!
These aprons are so cute!! My pantry is not a walk in one, I wish! I love those!! And it isn't very organized, unfortunately.

Mary said...

We have been living off our pantry these past couple weeks while waiting for a very substantial accounts receivable check to arrive.Having food in store made an uncomfortable situation more bearable.

I don't own any modern aprons,these look very chic.

Marissa said...

I cannot sleep if there is space between the dry goods in my pantry! But when it's full...oh, the serenity and joy I feel is indescribable. I run a home bakery so those shelves get emptied pretty quickly these days:)

Marilyn said...

My pantry is not a walk-in but two nice tall cabinets with pull out shelves. In one cabinet, I put everything that has been opened. In the other, the new unopened items. I love it when they are both full, and I can put a meal together from what I find. Love these aprons!

Sara Neufeld said...

my pantry is clean and organized and it feels SO GOOD! I love opening the door to see everything neatly organized. If the rest of the house is a chaotic mess, I go open my pantry door and smile. :)

Melissa @ The Inspired Room said...

I keep my pantry full! I've had pantries in cabinets, pantries in basements and nice walk in pantries. No matter what, I enjoy knowing my family has plenty of healthy food on hand to eat without having to run to the store every day!

And I would LOVE to have one of those beautiful aprons!!

Anonymous said...

With 7 kids a full pantry seems only a dream, especially during the summer with all home from school. The few times it does happen, it makes me feel safe and happy that I am not struggling to come up with something with only a few ingredients. Would love another apron because I cook all day long and it is a necessity!
Amy ajayx3@yahoo.com

jninecostumes said...

I love a full pantry during the summertime, but now Mr and I are empty nesters. We learned to shop every day for dinner when we lived overseas and thats how we like to shop and eat when its just the two of us. The aprons are fabulous! Of course around here Mr does the cooking!!!

Heather said...

My pantry is a double-door closet type. It isn't a walk in but spacious. I love, love, love when it is stocked and organized. It stays somewhat organized with a few times needing some attention when we can't locate something where it usually is. I love when it is stocked because I can most likely have my staples ready to go for a meal or spur of the moment urge to make something. Thanks!

Kirstin said...

Whoo hoo another chance to win. I'm going to post about it
tonight or tomorrow....have to do it when I'm near a connection.

My pantry is a walk in but there are no doors. I posted a picture awhile back I would love for it to be always full but it's rarely even half full! I use baskets I got from costco to help with organizing. I use glass jars to hold beans and rice. Right now my canned goods are kept in my cupboards and items we use daily on the pantry shelves (which aren't finished

OKGardners said...

I have a cupboard that I try to keep well stocked. It is a benefit to have a full cupboard so you can make things on the spur of the moment and can help those in need through our church Food Pantry.

When I read the titles for the pictures, I was amazed that the first picture was you. I THOUGHT it was your daughter! I'm serious!
Love the aprons!

Betty in Oklahoma

Unknown said...

My pantry is freaky organized (labels & all)!

Tracey said...

My pantry is organized and I love keeping it that way so I can tell when I am running low on things we use frequently.

Thanks for a chance to win, I would love a cute apron!

Unknown said...

Is your pantry organized? Ha, ha, ha, ho, ho, ho (rolling on the floor). Are you kidding? My pantry is NOT, may I repeat NOT, organized. I wish it were but sadly it is not. I think I would feel a lot better if it were - let me put that on my TO DO list. Maybe I could organize it if I was wearing a dolly apron?

Scooper said...

I would wear one of those aprons as a cover-up, I love it so much. As for my pantry, it's a closet but not a walk-in. I love it when it's organized (but it's usually not) and I love it even more when it's stocked. It makes me feel rich.

Stephanie said...

My pantry gets reorganized each time I come home from the grocery store. I got to put the groceries away and it's like "Ah! What happened here". So i have to put it all in order before I add to it. I love when it's full. Then I won't hear "mom, there's nothing to eat".
Oh yeah, my pantry is a closet in my kitchen. Can't walk into it, there's just shelves. My shelves are the builder's plastic coated wire shelves. It drives me nuts. I can't wait to replace them with wood shelves!

Michelle said...

The aprons are fabulous! We just moved into our first home and right now the pantry is relegated to cupboards. It's in the plans though, to remove the strange drawers that are in the large hall next to the kitchen and put in an antique butler's pantry.

Hilty Sprouts said...

Ooh! I remember these aprons from last year! Hooray!

Pantry? Ha! I wish I had one! I used to, so I know what I am missing! We use some open plastic shelving in the mudroom as a pantry in our fixer-upper farmhouse.

Carolyn said...

These aprons are gorgeous!! I have a pantry that should be a walk in because it is floor to ceiling, but there's not space to walk in so you just open a full size door and there are all the shelves. Does that make sense? And, it is always full. If not, I get nervous, like I must be unprepared?!?!

Hattie said...

Those aprons are just the sassiest little things! I love wearing an apron when I cook. So my fingers are crossed.

My pantry.....Before my sweet hubby passed away two years ago, my pantry stayed full and organized. He loved taking care of keeping it organized and we kept it full. I loved not having to run to the store when I was going to cook. But now, it's fairly organized, but that's because I don't keep alot of food on hand. I usually have to go to store and buy when I am going to cook for company. But I keep it low on purpose because I have a problem of letting things pass the expiration date if I stock it.

But I still have people in and I would love to wear one of those pretty aprons.

Anonymous said...

I love your aprons. I love my pantry.I keep it clean and organized. Just enought of a stock to met the needs of my family. I have pictures on my blog of my pantry. www.elizabethsimplejourney.blogspot.com

Kasey said...

I have a closet turned pantry!! We added shelves.

Anonymous said...

I finally have a house with a walk in pantry. I love to stock it full so when I walk in everything looks so neat and tidy!!!
Everything has a cute little row and some things even have a label..one day I will add cute wall paper to the back side of the shelves. I would love to have a cute apron to hang on the door!!!;)JNoble

Rhonda said...

Love these aprons! I love when my pantry is full but love it even more after I've organized it and cleaned it out. Such a great feeling! Thanks for the chance!

Nicole said...

These aprons are fabulous! I'm going to tweet right now! ( willsmama09)

ness said...

what a darling apron! i hope i win:)

i love having a full pantry {and fridge!} why? well because like you said, it makes me feel secure. I also throughly enjoy my trips to costco-i come right home a clean out my fridge and pantry-it gives me a feeling of...ahhhh...an organized and well stocked kitchen;)

keeping my fingers crossed!

Me said...

I've drooled over these aprons many times!!! They're all so pretty, I can't decide which I like best...maybe the new pink mocha!

We're military, so we move a lot. This house does not have a pantry, so I make good use of my corner cabinet and stuff it as full as possible. I like to keep it full and organized, but I have little helpers (3yrs and 1yr old) who like to help mama put the groceries away, so food gets put wherever...which I LOVE! Not the mess...the desire my little ones have to be a helper!

A full panty is a happy pantry, which always means if there's nothing fresh to eat, we have everything we need to have black bean salad, or chili (because I try to keep my freezer stocked full of cooked meats too). Oooh, now that would be a good post....tell us about your freezer Sandy! Do you have a deep freezer? Is it organized? What's in there?

Long post,I know. Thanks for the incredible blog! I read every day. :)

Janneh ryanjanneh@ yahoo.com

Jill said...

I love a full pantry in the winter; it assures me that if a big snowstorm came through we'd be fine. In the summer I'm not as concerned with my pantry and find that my frige/freezer need to be more stocked. Maybe deep down in the summer a full pantry means real cooking and a full frige means grilling and fresh produce/food with my husband doing more of the "work".

Missy said...

c-u-t-e.....loving the apron :) ps, you look adorable in it.....i'm blessed with a large walk in pantry....but with 6 of us walking in and out of it all day....sadly my closet is messy. would love ideas to keep my pantry nice and organized :)


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

So glad to find your blog while blog hopping today. I love making new friends and finding new blogs.
I enjoyed my visit to yours.

Gina said...

Now I've posted on my blog about it too! Just love those aprons!

Unknown said...

Oooo, I love aprons! It's an addiction I have =)

We moved recently and my pantry went from being an obnoxiously large walk-in - to something in between! It has a door but is oddly shaped =)

I am actually working at NOT having my pantry stocked perfectly! I found myself "doing the usuals" and not experimenting as much as I like with new recipes!

Paula Harrington said...

My teeny "pantry," ahem... cupboard, is so small that I'm elated when I see open space inside. When it is full, I have no idea what is hiding behind the boxes and cans in the foreground. Having empty space inside this cupboard encourages me to use what we have on hand and to waste less. The hooks beside my pantry-cupboard would look lovely adorned with one of your beautiful aprons. ;o) Thanks for the chance!

Emily Simmons said...

Beautiful Aprons!

When my pantry is full, I feel like I can feed my kids and the neighbor's kids any time night or day. I feel accomplished and secure that I won't be scrambling to feed my family!

I have a cupboard pantry. It is a step up from bottom cabinets in my last house. I truly love it. It doesn't stay as organized as I would like it but hey, I know where everything is!

Mimi said...

I have a small closet pantry which can be challenging to put my bulk items in the right places but I'm thankful that God has always kept it full and left us without wanting:)

Putting on my blog for an extra chance to win:O)

Rachel said...

It's nice to see there are others who love aprons... I thought I was the only one!

My pantry problem is that I can never keep track of what is in there. I always have to dig on shopping day to see what I have. I make lists with hash marks to cross out when I remove things, but ... I never seem to cross anything off. It's also difficult to figure out if I should sort the list according to shelf or type of food or alphabetically ...

cindy said...

I love having a well stocked pantry. It makes my busy life so much easier. My problem is I hate grocery shopping. I would love to win this beautiful apron!

The Blushing Hostess said...

Definately! And yes, I will tweet people over here now!

Renee said...

I have a walk-in pantry and it is stocked with canned goodies from our garden! It's such a satisfying feeling when I open the door and see all the colorful products that I worked hard on growing & preparing. So my pantry is also organized and I must confess; it's color coordinated :-( That's a downfall of mine, but I'm working on it :-)

Leanne Helums said...

I love the aprons.
I love a pantry that has just enough. I try to keep it organized and keep up with what I have and need. If I don't it becomes a big mess and a waste. I like to be able to grab just what I need for any unexpected treat. :)

Jenny said...

I am planning on doing a series called Simplify my Life -a linky party about organizing different mundane parts of our house. I figure that if we can inspire each other to take some pictures and share our tips, it would get us moving on getting some organization done.... those places that are absolutely no fun - pantries, under the sink (kitchens AND baths), come check it out on Monday!

Anonymous said...

Love these aprons! I have a large cupboard pantry but dream of a walk in pantry.
palmettomommy at yahoo dot com

Jenn said...

I love the aprons!!! We have a walk in pantry that I try very hard to keep as full as possible. We have extra canned goods on a shelf in the basement (I have 7 children!). Hope I win!

Heatherelle said...

I have a couple of pantry cabinets -- one with roll-out shelves and the other with pull-out shelving with "hidden" shelves behind. I love that they are 24 inches deep! In my last house, the "pantry" was the width of a linen-closet door and the depth of one can!

KiminSD said...

Wonderful aprons!
Having a full pantry makes putting healthy meals together so much easier and saves money and time. No one would ever accuse me of being organized!
Thanks for the chance to win one of these aprons!

Jess and Jen said...

I've been wanting a new, cute apron! I have a walk in pantry (LOVE IT!) that is sometimes organized and is looking a little empty these days. It adds extra stress to my life when it isn't full like it should be!

Yanira - ydatmillslaw@hotmail.com said...

I have a small closet for a pantry. It's organized, with baskets, etc. I want to organize it even more. I love the aprons!


Tammy said...

I have a cupboard pantry that I used to love to have well stocked until my picky picky eaters came along. Now it's a reminder of all the good stuff I buy that sits there since my kids will eat nothing but snack foods and easy mac cheese! I love the apron though for brave moments when I decide to defy the kids and cook a meal that takes longer than 3 minutes!

IRW Dana said...

I love a fully stocked pantry.I used to be better at it when my kids were teenagers. They could clean it out in one weekend of sleepovers. I still have it stocked it's just different without kids in the house all the time. It makes me feel secure that with a full pantry I could fix appetizers or a meal for unexpected guests. And it does stay pretty organized most of the time. If it were a walk in pantry it would stay more organized. With a closet pantry it gets very crammed after a good grocery shopping.

Stacey said...

I love to have my pantry full also. Mine is really a large cabinet with pull out drawers. We just don't see walk-in pantries in my area. That would be a dream to me!

We have two teenage boys and having it stocked with what they love seems impossible. No matter how full it is...we don't have what they want. :) That's life though.

Now, if I were wearing one of those adorable aprons..I bet my boys would find what they want. Oh that is so corny!

Miss Mary said...

Is your pantry a cupboard or do you have a walk-in pantry?
I have a cupboard pantry that cleverly hides its bounty.

Kimberly said...

I have a pantry of shelves. Since I by most of our food in bulk I store it in glass jars on the shelves as well as the items I can. The bottom part of the pantry holds the tubs of my boys' toys. I love my pantry--especially after I've tidied it up!

GiBee said...

I have a pantry, and I organize it in a way that I find most logical: baking items together, pasta and rice together, bottled items together (sorted by condiment, dressing, etc.) canned goods together (sorted by sweet and savory, veggie, fruit, etc.), jams and applesauces together, paper goods together.

Well... it makes sense to me, at least!

Lynda said...

My pantry is full right now. Not by choice, but by hubby being gone and the kids and I eating a lot of frozen food. It is a deep cabinet in our laundry room.

I absolutely LOVE the green apron!! So adorable!

~jenna said...

i know just what you mean...i feel like i am really a good momma when my pantry is full, organized and ready to feed my little mouths! i have only a small pantry so organization is KEY!! i try to keep labels turned outward, stack like items, and keep everything in it's place every time i load it up!

Empty Nest Full Life said...

Such wonderful aprons, and thanks for offering the giveaway, I have a full pantry, and you are right it does give a secure feeling, and the ability to prepare at a moments notice. Thanks for sharing. Jackie

Anonymous said...

I love the apron...I just reorganized my pantry this past weekend...hopefully, it will remain organized for a while.


derrickandamy said...

Love the apron!!! I really don't like my pantry. It isn't nearly big enough, but it is organized well and when I open the door that makes me smile!

Gena MacDonald said...

Yay for Aprons! These ones are beautiful, too. I love the avocado green one.

Joy said...

I have a cupboard pantry and pantry shelves in my basement. I do feel 'secure' and prepared when the pantry is full--but I also think, 'Man how long has this can of such and such been in here?' I like an organized pantry as I like being organized---makes sense, huh?Your aprons are pretty--never thought of wearing them in the garden!

The Hip Hostess said...

Thanks a bunch for all the kind comments on our aprons we're totally flattered by all the sweet talk! Recently moved and now have a much smaller kitchen so I bought a large pantry cabinet and put it in the hall next to the kitchen.It's actually very shabby chic and fits in so well with our decor.Don't know what I would have done without it.Because I don't have the space I used to, I no longer over buy and that's a good thing! I must confess:I'm totally compulsive about keeping it neat and all labels facing forward. Yep,I've got that Type A personality thing going on!
Thank you so very much Sandy, as I've said before YOU really are The Hip Hostess!

Dreams and Decor said...

LOVE the aprons! I feel on top of things when I have a full pantry (I am blessed to have a walk-in, by the way)! I feel peaceful, like I can just relax, because when I want to cook, I've then got everything I need & don't have to rush off to the store (grocery shopping is one of my least fav. things!) Patti

Kimberly said...

Love that apron - especially the green!!
My pantry was a coat closet that we fitted with shelves top to bottom. It is fairly well stocked but terribly disorganized at the moment!

Sarah said...

I love these aprons!! I have a walk in pantry, I love it to be stocked and organized-- drives me crazy if its not!!

Aubrey said...

Love aprons! And these are entirely too cute!

Pantry...we have a decent size closet pantry, but we also have shelving in the basement for canned goods and several five gallon buckets of bulk stuff that we use constantly. I love it when we are stocked! It means I can avoid shopping other than the local farmers market!

Erin Glover said...

I only have cupboards right now, but I hope to have a large walk-in pantry some day.

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