
Her Home: An Empty Shoebox

Kiran's home is empty when I peek through the door, or at least it is on first glance.  Half of us crouch through the door frame and take a seat on the floor with our backs against the wall.  There are no chairs to sit on; there are not even the beds we've become accustomed to using as chairs while making home visits at other Compassion projects.  A few items adorn the walls, a grated window allows sunlight, but there is no kitchen or bathroom or dressers for clothing. 

It's an empty shoebox.

Until she speaks.

Then, this room--this house--with no electricity is filled with her radiant countenance and all the things that matter.  

Joy.  Hope.  Love.  Peace.  Dreams ... (read on, here.)

I'm following Pensieve Robin's Kolkata trip with Compassion International.  You can also follow Shaun Groves and his team.  For only $32 a month you can be a life-changer.  If you have kids, they will never be the same.

I would hope that however small my home, I'd still find joy and hope and love and peace.

That I could still dream.

Do you dream?  Visit me on Monday and share your hospitality dreams with me!


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