
I Found My Niche!

I think I found my niche! Your article on loneliness made me think of reaching out. Since I love older ladies AND Art, I have offered to host an Art Day, once a week in my home, for some older friends to come paint, and just hang out. I am SO EXCITED, and so are they! They are good artists, so it's not like anyone has to be the teacher.

I don't know why I haven't thought of this sooner? See what Reluctant Entertainer has started?

I love this heartfelt email I received from a friend who regularly reads my blog. She is an encourager and a "balcony friend" in my life, for sure. When she shared this with me, I was elated to see how she has taken her passions and gifts, and --with inspiration and motivation -- she is using them. I asked her, “why the older ladies?”

I appreciate that there is no competition in her answer.

I think what I love about these ladies is their realness. How they view life having come out of the losses of their husbands. They have some real insights about what once seemed like irritants in their lives, things that now have become endearing to them. For example, the husband not picking up his socks off the floor - now they miss it.

They laugh freely and aren’t trying to impress anyone. They will have a glass of wine at NOON and not care who sees them. They have a confidence and depth that goes beyond the wrinkles. They are truly beautiful. I learn so much from them, and yet in some way they seem to get something from me too. I’m not sure exactly what it is, but I pray God is using this for Him somehow.

Again, if you are reluctant to have people into your home because you aren’t a good cook, then maybe food is not your venue. Maybe your passions are sewing, art, visiting with young moms, gardening, mentoring – you name it!

Use what you really care about to reach out and bring the passion back into your life. Then it will all fall into place, just like it did for my friend.

I’m inspired to do a better job with the things I’m passionate about.

Will you join me?

(To read more about Joy Stealers, go here. Beautiful watercolors painted by my anonymous friend! Top: Reflecting, He Calms the Storm. Bottom: Old Grey, Cream & Crimson.)


OKGardners said...

What a great idea she has! That is wonderful. I feel the same as her about older folks being lonely. I try to speak to those sitting alone in restaurants and other places we go.

I remember my Dad being lonely after my Mom died. It is very sad to see someone who has had a vital spouse become alone. Not fun. It takes so little to add JOY to someone's life.

Betty in Oklahoma

Jen said...

Great ideas. I enjoy hosting game nights. Everyone brings an appetizer... I do the games, beverages and plates ect.....alot of fun.

Heidijayhawk said...

its amazing how many wonderful stories and ideas we come across in those who share our everyday lives.

Anonymous said...

My husband and I host a Thirsty Thursday once a month at our house, for random friends. It's an open door invite, but usually we try to mix up our church friends along with our non-church friends. The aim, is to show that even those who are church folks can kick back and have fun. It's been a total hoot, and everyone that has come to one has had fun. There is usually a array of ages, some bring thier kids. The kids play, watch a movie and snack while we visit, have a glass of wine, and snack on appetizers.

ellen b. said...

The watercolors are amazing. Enjoy your artsy time with good ole relaxed females...

Pam said...

The art is stunning. Your friend is very talented.

Thank you for another way to reach out, Sandy. Maybe this will be my avenue toward being less of a reluctant entertainer myself.

Darla said...

Beautiful watercolors. I'm sure all the ladies who attend are grateful that your poster is hosting this. Wish I lived close by, I'd try to wrangle an invitation, VBG.


Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Sandy, what a sweet story email from your friend. That is so great that she is reaching out to the older ladies, who are sometimes forgotten. We'll all be there one day, so need to remember that!

The watercolors are gorgeous AND how fun that you are growing your own strawberries.


Rebekah said...

Very inspiring post. I just love visiting your blog! I love that your friend has such a heart for the elderly ladies too. What she said is so true.

~j~ said...

what a delightful way to open your home, a gift and blessing to all involved, i look forward to hearing more about this group in the future!
thanks for alawys helping us be the best we can be Sandy, you are a true encourager,
love j